Beyond the Questions

Beyond the questions that cause us to doubt, 

Is a Savior whose mercy we can't live without.

A Savior who left His throne up above,

To show the whole world the meaning of love.

He healed the lepers from a horrible disease,

He walked on water and calmed the seas.

He fed the 5000 with 2 fish and some bread,

Gave sight to the blind and raised up the dead.

He saved three Hebrews from the fiery flame,

And healed the people who were crippled and lame.

Spreading the gospel was His only mission,

Offering salvation to all who would listen.

And when evil crept in from the original fall,

He laid down His life as a ransom for all.

As He hung on the cross for you and for me,

All us believers were finally set free.

This powerful story to all we must tell,

Of our Savior who Loves us and saved us from hell.

His endless mercy will always stand out,

Beyond the questions that cause us to doubt.

Dale Coolbaugh 



I Did It All for You